Default Enchantments

Default Enchantments


This is a simple mod which can be configured using a JSON file to set any enchantments to any item which will be applied when it is crafted or smelted.

In the configs, you'll find the "defaultEnchantments.json" file in the mod's config directory. You can easily configure this like the following example which sets Knockback 4 and Fire Aspect 1 to Sticks and Bone Meal:

"items": [
"registryName": "minecraft:stick"
"registryName": "minecraft:dye",
"metadata": 15
"enchantments": [
"registryName": "minecraft:knockback",
"strength": 4
"registryName": "minecraft:fire_aspect",
"strength": 1

You can also specify item or block classes so that all items or blocks that are the same, or subclasses of the specified class will have the enchantments. For example, this will cause all pickaxes to have the Looting 1 enchantment:

"items": [
"className": "net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe"
"enchantments": [
"registryName": "minecraft:looting",
"strength": 10

You can combine the last example with a blacklist configuration so that certain items will not have any enchantments defined above in the file. This involves simply defining items with no enchantments. The following example extends on the last so that all but Wooden Pickaxes have the Looting 1 enchantment:

"items": [
"className": "net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe"
"enchantments": [
"registryName": "minecraft:looting",
"strength": 10
"items": [
"registryName": "minecraft:wooden_pickaxe"

The above examples makes use of everything you can do in the JSON configuration file, and is pretty straight-forward.

You can find the registry name and metadata of any item in-game by enabling the advanced tooltips (F3 + H) and looking at the tooltip when hovering over the item in a GUI.

For the enchantment "registryName", you can find all of them listed on the Minecraft Wiki here. For modded enchantments, you may need to look at the mod's source code or ask mod authors.

NOTE: This may not be compatible with all mod crafting mechanics.