Demons and Angels

Demons and Angels

Heaven Dimension

Heaven Dimension

The Heaven Dimension. This thimenion have the Angel Mobs.
The Angel mob

The Angel mob

This cute mob appears in her biome or her own dimensions.
Items [2]

Items [2]

When you brake the ores with a diamond tool, the block drop the gems(like diamonds). When you brake the portal blocks with the "Gem´s Smasher", the block drop the dusts behind the bricks.
The important blocks

The important blocks

The 2 block of the left are the portal blocks and the other 2 of the right are the ores. The ores can be found in the 2-25 layer
Important items [1]

Important items [1]

The halo give you the permits of fly in survival mode. The "Gem´s Smasher" is important to take other items.
Dimensions Portals

Dimensions Portals

The portal of the 2 dimensions. The left is for the Heaven Dimension. The right is for the Demon´s Dimension.
All blocks

All blocks

All blocks of the respective biomes and dimensions of the mod.
Armors and tools

Armors and tools

The armor and the tools can be crafting with the bricks of the mod. The blue leather is important to make the "halo".
The Demon Mob

The Demon Mob

This mob can appears in his biome or dimension.
The Demon´s Dimesion

The Demon´s Dimesion

The Demon´s Dimension. This thimenion have the Demon Mobs.