Detect Jujutsucraft

Detect Jujutsucraft


Hi guys, this mod is to detect and set few variables (ForgeCaps nbt) from jujutsucraft

To use this mod there is currently two commands :

1. /detect_jujutsucraft_detect

This command is to detect variables of player, it will set a scoreboard to a number that i explain later

2. /detect_jujutsucraft_set

This command will set variables of players to the value that you decided in the command

How to use them ?

For exemple if you want to detect the ct (ct n°1) of all player you need to run /detect_jujutsucraft_detect PlayerCurseTechnique @a

And if you want to set the ct (ct n°2) of a player named Xopi to Gojo you need to run /detect_jujutsucraft_set PlayerCurseTechnique2 Xopi 

List of all available detections for /detect_jujutsucraft_detect :

  1. PlayerCurseTechnique (Set the scoreboard "CurrentCt" to the number of the ct n°1)
  2. PlayerCurseTechnique2 (Set the scoreboard "SecondCT" to the number of the ct n°2)
  3. Sukuna (Will set the scoreboard "IsSukuna" to 1 if the player have sukuna effect)
  4. Sukuna_amplifier (Set the scoreboard "SukunaAmplifier" to the amplifier of the sukuna effect)
  5. Six_Eyes (Will set the scoreboard "SixEyes" to 1 if the player have six eyes effect)
  6. Six_Eyes_amplifier (Set the scoreboard "SixEyesAmplifier" to the amplifier of the six eyes effect)
  7. Rct (Will set the scoreboard "Rct" to 1 if the player have reverse cursed technique effect)
  8. Rct_amplifier (Set the scoreboard "RctAmplifier" to the amplifier of the reverse cursed technique effect)
  9. Grade (Set the scoreboard "Grade" to the grade of the player. 0 = no sorcerer, 1 = grade 4, 2 = grade 3, 3 = semi grade 2, 4 = grade 2, 5 = semi grade 1, 6 = grade 1, 7 = special grade)
  10. Zone (Will set the scoreboard "Zone" to 1 if the player have zone effect)
  11. Zone_amplifier (Set the scoreboard "ZoneAmplifier" to the amplifier of the zone effect)
  12. Fame (Set the scoreboard "Fame" to the value of fame of the player)
  13. Domain_Expansion (Will set the scoreboard "DomainExpansion" to 1 if the player have domain expansion effect)
  14. RctUnlocked (Will set the scoreboard "RctUnlocked" to 0 if the player dont have rct unlocked, 1 if he have rct lvl 1 unlocked, 2 if he have rct lvl 2 unlocked)
  15. PlayerLevel (Set the scoreboard "PlayerLevel" to the value of the nbt)

List of all avaible nbt for /detect_jujutsucraft_set : 

  1. PlayerCursePower (set the player cursed energy)
  2. PlayerCursePowerMAX (set the maximum player cursed energy)
  3. PlayerCursePowerFormer (The value that will define the maximum player cursed energy when he will respawn)
  4. PlayerCurseTechnique (Set the player cursed technique n°1)
  5. PlayerCurseTechnique2 (Set the player cursed technique n°2)
  6. PlayerLevel (Set the player level, this value will change alone in some conditions)