Dimension Link

Dimension Link


Dimension Link

Have you ever played on a Bukkit server or it's fork like Spigot or Paper? You can visit multiple world with it's own separate the nether and the end dimension that can be accessed normally via vanilla portal. Have you try to replicate it by adding new dimension via datapack or mod, but then realize that nether or end portal only connect to vanilla dimension? This mod solve that issue.

Dimension Link will create portal link between dimensions to make custom world sets, so you can finnally have resource dimension with it's own the nether and the end dimension or have vanilla dimension to make base without worrying having weird land when changing world generation mods.


By default, Dimension Link will automatically link any dimension with path "overworld", "the_nether", and "the_end" at it's respective namespace. You also can configure it or can be data driven using datapack.

  • Config (dimensionlink.json)
You can configure auto link feature or add specific custom linking.
    "auto_link": {
        "exact_overworld_path": "overworld",
        "exact_the_nether_path": "the_nether",
        "exact_the_end_path": "the_end"
    "worlds": [
            "overworld": "dimensionlink:overworld",
            "the_nether": "dimensionlink:the_nether",
            "the_end": "dimensionlink:the_end",
            "disable_end_respawn": true
  • Datapack
In your datapack, create "dimensionallink" folder with "world" folder inside. In world folder create json file with any name with content:
    "overworld": "test:one",
    "the_nether": "test:two",
    "the_end": "test:three",
    "disable_end_respawn": true

Normally end portal (exit portal) in The End will make you respawn player instead but you can make it function like portal in the world config or datapack.


  • You can use this mod like normal player or server ofcourse.
  • Use in videos, stream, or similar media is allowed on all platforms.
  • Use in modpacks is allowed on all platforms.
  • Attribution is not required but do not miscredit.
  • Redistributing or republishing is not allowed.


This mod only changed behavior of portals like changing destination dimension. It can't create custom portal and can't create or load custom dimension, you need datapack or another mod to do that. It also means this mod doesn't include patches to make advancement, end exit portal spawning, and end dragon fight working on mirror dimension (Dimension Fixer fixes this).