[Feature/Enhancement:request] Role checks and features
gadget78 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
is there a way to have an added, Constraint, that checks to see if a linked account has a role within discord ? like..
to use this within the CustomEvents,
for example..
{ "minecraft_message": { "requires": [ "linked_account", "check_role": "993535629453430835", "%d4f:message%": "!request-sword" ], "actions": [ { "id": "run_command", "value": "give %player:name_unformatted% minecraft:diamond_sword" } ] } }
so people with certain roles within discord, can then have direct access to inventory, or other Minecraft perks.
did some edits, as re-thought this, when looking at the source code, and did a much better example
edited above message so it had a better example .
but realised in doing so, that there isnt a "constraint" that can refine/match whats actually in a message ? ..
or have i missed that somewhere ? ..
Thankyou for the reply, and the continued support/updates..
will create a new post to request it separately, again thankyou for taken these ideas onboard.
with these two enhancement, will make the "Custom Event" very powerful indeed ! ..