- 0
[1.19.2] Server sometimes crashes when a player gets an advancement
#108 opened by Eir-nya - 3
Messages do not appear in Discord for achievements and deaths [1.20.2]
#89 opened by DracoHero - 1
[Need Help] Not working for me
#92 opened by Goofert42 - 1
[Need Help] Minecraft Chat Colouring
#93 opened by Goofert42 - 8
Minecraft avatar images not loading
#91 opened by DracoHero - 4
make readme better
#94 opened by skeddles - 2
Discord4Fabric Version 1.20.3
#95 opened by NotFlow69 - 1
Advancement not granting
#96 opened by InstSnipe - 1
In-game messages are hidden if Discord → Minecraft messages are disabled
#97 opened by Yeastdonkey - 0
How to fix this error? (Help)
#99 opened by NotFlow69 - 0
When used with Tick Stasis, player count never displays zero
#100 opened by ThePotatoArchivist - 0
Unable to use console relay
#102 opened by pnxl - 1
When will you update to 1.20.4?
#106 opened by DracoHero - 7
[Feature request] Linked account constraint for discord_message
#50 opened by gadget78 - 0
Need Way to Disable MC<->Discord Chat Messages
#45 opened by dustindmiller - 1
Messages sent in discord doesn't get logged in minecraft
#46 opened by CalXee - 2
Allow to set custom getAvatarUrls
#47 opened by dmunozv04 - 1
multiple servers support for chat
#49 opened by rancolam - 1
A way to separate joins/leaves from rest of the chat.
#51 opened by Benhemoth - 0
[Feature Request] Add LuckPerms actions and constraints to Custom Events
#52 opened by elhertz - 0
[Feature Request] Add event_timer
#53 opened by elhertz - 3
Please add a 1.19.2 file on curseforge
#54 opened by cpm9 - 2
1.19.2 server warnings
#55 opened by cpm9 - 1
[Bug] using { or } within the custom event action
#58 opened by gadget78 - 2
[Bug] Message rate, disconnect detections
#59 opened by gadget78 - 3
[Bug] !linked_account constraint, seems to halt messages if they are not linked
#60 opened by gadget78 - 1
[Feature Request] custom event "on death"
#62 opened by gadget78 - 6
[Bug]?? grant_role seems to always throw an error ?
#63 opened by gadget78 - 0
Server wont start. kept getting a bunch error, probably compatibility issue with my mods/datapacks
#65 opened by LeleTheMonke - 0
[error on shutdown causing no exit
#66 opened by Greyberet - 1
[Bug] Error on shutdown causing no exit
#67 opened by Greyberet - 2
[Feature Request] A config option to disable `/discord4fabric`
#68 opened by DorkOrc - 12
[Bug] This error has been crashing my server for a long time, i did not realize that it was Discord4Fabric Causing this till now. (bug, of which sometimes crashes server)
#69 opened by NotFlow69 - 0
`Feature Request` A way to change webhook colors
#73 opened by zndrmn - 2
1.19.4 Support? [Really need it right now.] [Question]
#72 opened by NotFlow69 - 1
[Feature Request] Send webhooks to minecraft
#74 opened by elhertz - 0
[BUG] Messages exceeding discord character limit cause server crashes (I think)
#75 opened by cswimr - 0
[BUG] Advancements messages aren't being relayed back to Discord
#76 opened by ArkoSammy12 - 1
[Crash Bug] Players joining the server in 23w17a crashes the server.
#78 opened by DorkOrc - 4
How do i fix this (Webhook problem) [HELP]
#81 opened by NotFlow69 - 0
Error keeps showing up on shutdown server [Help]
#79 opened by NotFlow69 - 0
Crash on 1.18.2 using the last 3 available versions
#80 opened by HaXrDEV - 2
Implement support for Discord pomelo name and phase out discriminators.
#83 opened by Reimnop - 1
[BUG] An error when a player joins causes the server to stop
#84 opened by ArkoSammy12 - 1
[Feature Request] Show current players on the server through a bot command on the associated Discord channel
#87 opened by AymanZahid - 4
The mod is spamming this error message
#86 opened by matheeshapathirana - 0
Error on startup
#88 opened by thewickening - 0
Execute commands in console using a custom webhook
#111 opened by Mat0u5 - 0
Private faction chat gets announced to public relay
#112 opened by pnxl - 0
[Feature Request] Add a Linking Bypass Permission (or similar)
#115 opened by MegaTophat