[Bug] !linked_account constraint, seems to halt messages if they are not linked
gadget78 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
as tittle, when using the constraint !linked_account
(so checking for unllinked players)
this does NOT effect linked players, and all works and parse fine ..
but unlinked players, it will actually halt their messages ..
known about this for a while, only now got round to posted, as used a workaround ..
going to ask this here as well, as kinda related, and i really hope this question doesn't confuse the matter of the above bug ...
but if we wanted to add this as a "feature" (unlinked players chat isnt pushed to them or server)
or expand that to have it so we can choose to turn all Minecraft messages off (to the server, but still parsed by custom events)..
would it best to put that config within /MinecraftEventListeners.java like the discord !config.sendMessagesToDiscord
or else where? (so that all other functions like custom events still work)
again Thankyou for this mod ! :)
its cool.. thankyou for quick reply...
im going to give adding the feature my self, will do a PR once i do ..
do you think thats the best place to put entry ? whats best way to null the message event ?
will look into the bug too, but bug bashing is much harder task lol .,.