[Feature request] Linked account constraint for discord_message
gadget78 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
on "custom_events" with the event "discord_message" using any constant..
even a simple setup like..
"discord_message": {
"requires": [
"actions": [
"id": "send_discord_message",
"value": "this is a linked account"
gives the error (in console)
One of the EventListeners had an uncaught exception
( also theres a incorrect line in the customevents.md
theres two linked_account_nick_contains
2nd one needs to be linked_account_has_role
seems silly for me to to do a PR for that..)
also, it seems you cannot have more that one of the same events ?.. (so two "minecraft_message": )
the second seems to get a Chain link failed, continuing to next one
error (still testing to pinpoint if its specific to two minecraft_messages events))
- linked_account means to check if the MC account has a linked Discord account, not the other way around, although I plan to add the other way around in the future
- Thanks for the catch in the docs! Appreciate it!
- You can have more than one function on the same event, like this:
"event_id": [
// func 1
// func 2
1.would that also add the %linked_account** type placeholders: to the discord_message action to ?
3.arr ok that makes sense thankyou, will give that ago
also would it be alot of work to add a "embed" style action ( send_discord_embed
(like the join/leave messages etc that are sent in discord)
can !negated_
be added to all the constraints ?
only recently noticed this as even a option in the readme !.. great feature !
but trying to use it gets a Chain link failed, continuing to next one
another quirk i found, is that, using your example..
"requires": [
"actions": [
"id": "send_minecraft_message",
"value": "Hey there!"
the reply gets printed BEFORE the users message.....
cannot test discord like your actual example you give, as it seems ALL discord_message
events seem broken ?
with One of the EventListeners had an uncaught exception