A mod that allows players to pick up their dogs and use them as lethal ballistic weapons.
They will do lethal damage to any hit target. They might recieve some damage, but your wolves will be fine.
No wolves were harmed in the making of this mod!
This mod is also resource-pack friendly
🚀 How to yeet your wolf
Step 1: Make a Yeet Rope
Step 2: Grab your wolf using the rope
Step 3: YEET!
There are two configurable options:
1. The damage of a yeet impact (Default: 20 (10 hearts) )
2. Allow players to grab other's pets * (Default: True)
* This is only possible if the owner of the dog is currently online.
Both of these options can be changed via gamerules.
Damage: wolfYeetDamage
Permission: allowYeetingOthersWolves