Default Potion Tweaks

Default Potion Tweaks


Default Potion Tweaks

Changes the behavior of certain vanilla potion effects, as well as allowing greater control over their specific values

Requires MixinBooter Requires ConfigAnytime

Inventory status effect

  • A new effect Mastery is added, which increases attack speed by a configurable amount
  • Haste can be tweaked to only affect mining speed, the specific percent increase is configurable
  • Strength moved from a flat damage increase to a percent damage increase, the specific percent increase is configurable
  • Instant Health moved from exponential scaling to linear scaling, the healing amount per level is configurable
  • Instant Damage moved from exponential scaling to linear scaling, the amount of damage per level is configurable
  • The speed increase per level offered by Swiftness is configurable
  • The speed decrease per level offered by Slowness is configurable

This mod was commissioned for Minecraft 1.12.2 to be used in the Rebirth of the Night modpack.