Dragon Pets

Dragon Pets


Dragon pets 


This mod is still in early production.

There will be bugs and features are incomplete. 

 Feel free to use it in mod packs

I am currently working on a big update.


I probably won’t backport to 1.16.5 because I have made many of the dragons based off of the caves and cliffs update.


all dragons will follow you when you hold a golden apple but are not tamed with it.

Dragons can be told sit

End Dragons

End dragon. Tamed with chorus fruit. Spawns in the outer end islands. rare

Space dragon. Tamed with chorus fruit. Spawns in the outer end islands. very rare

Element Dragons:

Fire dragon. Tamed with all types of mushrooms. Spawns in nether wastes and basalt deltas. uncommon

Ice dragon. Tamed with raw rabbit. Spawns in cold biomes. uncommon

Ore Dragons:

Diamond dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush and dripstone caves. rare

Gold dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush caves, dripstone caves and nether wastes. uncommon

Redstone dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush and dripstone caves. uncommon

Iron dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush and dripstone caves. uncommon

Amethyst dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush and dripstone caves. rare

Copper dragon. Tamed with glow berries. Spawns in lush and dripstone caves. uncommon

Tree dragons:

Oak dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries and raw meats. Spawns in forests. common

Spruce dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries and raw meats. Spawns in taigas. common

Acacia dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries and raw meats. Spawns in savannas. common

Dark oak dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries and raw meats. Spawns in roofed forests. common

Birch dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries and raw meats. Spawns in birch forests. common

Jungle dragon. Tamed with with sweet berries, melons, raw meats. Spawns in jungles. common

More dragons coming


dragon types:

water dragon

stone/rock dragon

lightning dragon

soul fire dragon

obsidian dragon

axolotl dragon


breath attacks

info book

bigger rideable dragons (possibly with chests)

Dragon armor (possibly)


 Dragon scales (possibly)

This mod is made with some generated code from the free app called Mcreator. 

Though a lot is written by me.

If you have any suggestions for dragon types or features post them in the comments and I could possibly add them. 

known bugs:

dragon wing membrane's texture flickers

dragons may stop sitting when you log back into a world

acacia dragons move way too fast?

If you find any more bugs post them in the comments and I’ll see about fixing them.