


Dragonights is an upcoming, live-action sci-fi, TV series expected to pass over 50 hours in watch time. Outside of the main story, there are many other side stories, prequels, sequels, and spin-offs bringing in another 200+ viewing hours. A vast universe with endless possibilities for the future and beyond, and a universe very well suitable for fan-fic authors and role-players to create their own content.

This is the official Minecraft mod for this series and is maintained by J9 Studios and official representatives from the Dragonights franchise.

The modification is a long-term marketing project to help promote Dragonights via popular outlets such as video gaming and other fan-created media using our modification. There is a lot planned including dozens of crystals (with each their unique mechanics), dimensions, entities, and an extensive list of supernatural abilities all within the Minecraft ecosystem while trying to keep the overall feel of the mod the most vanilla-ish possible. Currently, the mod is only available for Minecraft 1.21.1 NeoForge. In the future, we plan on making this modification compatible with other notable mods to provide a seamless experience for mod-pack players.

External Supported Modifications
- Vampirism (generates blunaro meteors in the vampire forest)
- Tough As Nails (makes flamasi crystals provide heat)
- Biomes O' Plenty (some compatibility with lefonti abilities)

DISCLAIMER: This is currently a public beta and may damage existing worlds. Backup your Minecraft world or create a new one when using the modification. Report any bugs to our tracker.

© J9 Studios - An official J9 Studios product. This modification is not an official Minecraft product nor is it approved by or associated with Mojang.