DTM Integrations

DTM Integrations


7 Days To Mine Integrations (DTM Integrations)

Various fixes, and mod integrations, etc, for DTM mod

This description will update as things change and/or get added, etc!

Comments are on but keep it respectful and constructive, I do not tolerate distasteful commentary!


The intention of DTMI is to make 7DTM generally capable to run alongside others when making a pack such as my very own EOL-TBD(This Color Is a Link, Click Me) (Which is the whole reason for this mod to begin with)
Initially, this mod keeps 7DTM working by fixing the issues it has with other mods, but as I don't test this with every mod, you'll need to open up a GitHub issue to let me know if 7DTM is breaking with whatever mod you're using and I'll work on a fix.

Other than fixes, I also plan to add some integration into other mods as well as added content & features that I feel is fitting for 7DTM which will mainly target the needs of my mod pack EOL-TBD(This Color Is a Link, Click Me)

Fixes List

All fixes are tested, if you find an issue open a report on the repository(This Color Is a Link, click me)!

  • Fixed Crash When using Lost Cities or other large-generation mods.
  • Fixed a negative bounding crash when using this mod in any other world.
  • When using something like HWYLA, Looking at a vehicle will now show a proper Item Texture of the vehicle you're looking at and not a purple/black null box.
  • Removed really odd forge recipes that were 6 ingots to 1 ingot of the same ingot (Not sure what that was about)
  • Bandages not working. (Not a bug, 7DTM intentionally did this, and I added the configuration to change that if you wish.)
  • Fixed an entity registration conflict for when other mods register an entity with the same exact name.

Integrations list

Something missing? Suggest something here!

Added [Content/Features] List 

Suggest something here!

  • Auto Configure Forge.cfg for optimal modpack settings. [Default: True]
  • Vehicle Item textures, things like HWYLA show this when looking at vehicles. (Also a fix for null textures)
  • Able to control Airdrop drop distance from players.
  • Enable or disable chat notifications when an Airdrop is dropped.
  • Change Airdrop falling speed.
  • Glowing effect for Airdrops either in the air or on the ground or both.
  • Change the height at which the Airdrop falls from.
  • Option for the Airdrop chat message to give the exact X and Z coordinates.
  • Airdrop can drop in different dimensions.
  • Airdrop chat messages give the world name that it dropped in.
  • Can change the random block range for X and Z coordinates in the Airdrop chat message.
  • Configurable smoke time for Airdrops on the ground.
  • Seven days to die Airplane sound effect when the Airdrop is dropped. (Can be disabled)
  • Configurable Bandage use time.
  • You can disable 7DTM from overwriting all the vanilla torches.
  • Able to disable item/block usage instead of the recipe (Mod compatibility feature to allow disabled items/blocks to still be crafted for recipes but not usable)
  • Custom tooltips are added to items/blocks that are disabled. ( The tooltip changes depending on if the usage is disabled or the recipe)
  • Configurable dimension generation
  • Allow sleeping during a Blood Moon config option
  • Customizable list of entities you want to allow to spawn during a Blood Moon, Wolf Horde, or Generic Horde event.
  • Configurable road generation attempts. (Higher values will degrade performance a lot, recommended you leave it at 3 or set it to 1)
  • Structures can be disabled individually
  • Option to disable all structures.
  • When all structures are disabled, only the road is generated.
  • Configurable Thirst.
  • Configurable Stamina.
  • Change how much stamina a player regens after they sleep, can even set this to 0 for none.
  • Added Iron Pipe recipe in the Forge (1:1 Ratio)


If you need help or have a question that does not belong in a GitHub issue, then my support server TheNiteZone(This Is a Link, Click Me) is open to you and anyone else.
If you have any bugs, crashes, or suggestions alike then head over to DTM-Integrations GitHub Repository and open a New Issue.

This is all a learning hobby for me, which means during my free time I have fun and enjoy what I do, however, if you want to support my efforts you can join my Patreon or simply use PayPal!
All of your support in any fashion is highly appreciated, but by no means required!!!  


 [Last Edited: 09-03-2022 ]

GPLV3 License, This means I personally want anyone to do as they please under the terms that it is open source, I am a huge fan of open source as it was a big part of how I learned to understand a lot of things, and because of that, I want to continue making that learning curve a possibility for others, even if my coding is not upper fancy and clean.