This mod is made for players to go to ocean monuments much easier without going through the hassle of exploring. The mod was created for the Requiem Experimental 1.9.4 pack, but can be used by any mod pack that fit in the guidelines at the bottom.
To go create an ocean monument dimension, you will need to craft an ocean monument teleporter. Each teleporter created will lead to a different dimension.
Standing above the teleporter will bring you to an ocean monument dimension. Here, you will find an ocean monument looking exactly how it would if you found it by exploring.
The dimension is only stable due to the elder guardians. Once all 3 elder guardians are killed, the world will start to corrupt and the entrance to the dimension will close. Dying in a corrupted dimension will guarantee in loss of items, so be careful.
After you have grabbed all of your loot that you came for, you can leave by going through the portal that is on the platform you spawned in.
Corruption blocks can be harvested to gather corrupted slime. Corrupted slime can be thrown like a snowball and will give entities poison and players hunger. If corrupted slime hits gravel, the gravel will turn to corrupted blocks. Four corrupted slimed can be crafted to a corrupted block and visa versa. Corrupted blocks do not do anything and exist only as aesthetics and a storage for corrupted slime.
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