- 3
Open ceiling brightness
#17 opened by thrasosc - 1
Add way to define the Boss of each dungeon
#18 opened by itsdinkd - 2
Level display next to player nametag prevents Simple Voice Chat icons from displaying
#19 opened by TheynT - 2
Repeatedly enter the dungeon
#21 opened by Karashok-Leo - 1
ability to turn off default dungeon spawning
#1 opened by cole3050 - 2
Ticking entity crash upon teleporting into dungeon on cooldown.
#2 opened by ButterMe8aby - 0
Portal not visible with shaders
#3 opened by thrasosc - 1
datapack example
#4 opened by RazzerSSS - 2
Dungeon cooldown and unloaded chunks
#5 opened by SCPRedMage - 1
GUI cooldown display is incorrect
#7 opened by SCPRedMage - 1
Mob spawn probabilities broken
#8 opened by thrasosc - 1
Unable to set breakable and placeable blocks in dungeons
#9 opened by GlitchedGekko - 2
Mod Integration[Harder Farther fabric port]
#10 opened by arazadaz - 1
[Bug] REI does not wrap around portal gui
#12 opened by milkev - 1
Fill dungeonz dimension with bedrock or other block
#13 opened by milkev - 1
Creative mode bypasses dungeon join requirements
#14 opened by milkev - 1
Add a minimum group size as a settings in a dungeon json
#15 opened by chemicalursine - 1
Impossible to use creatures that depends on dimension type in dungeons
#16 opened by chemicalursine - 6
Crash when using Compass on Cartography Table
#23 opened by kiishiio - 0
Small incompatibility with VMP(Very Many Players)
#24 opened by enchantinggg4 - 0
Dungeons block for selecting and raiding available dungeons
#25 opened by Miamlya - 2
I died in the dungeon and i can not go back in go get my stuff
#26 opened by CarsonCoffta - 1
Not compatible with FancyMenu (I am using Sinytra Connector)
#27 opened by Vladyslav1728 - 1
Dungeonz keeps trying to ask nothing to do something
#28 opened by poseidoncarrot - 0
[Crash] Still incompatible w FancyMenu
#29 opened by 123ghaksd - 0
Does this use Trial Spawners? 1.21
#30 opened by makumaku1974 - 2
Forge Port
#32 opened by ullrichd21 - 1
Custom dungeon crashing server, but fine in singleplayer
#33 opened by ChippyLa - 1
overview of dungeons?
#34 opened by nmwael - 0
reopen I died in the dungeon and i can not go back in go get my stuff
#35 opened by SoBeeIt - 0
reopen "I died in the dungeon and I can not go back in go get my stuff" so modpack makers can realize the update.
#36 opened by SoBeeIt - 1
Add a way to enter the dungeon without going through blocks
#38 opened by yyz729 - 0
How do you set up the dungeon compass so it can find the custom structures
#39 opened by Aztrel - 0
Make the mod compatible with LootR?
#40 opened by Aztrel - 0
Being Able to Set different Bosses depending on difficulty
#41 opened by Aztrel - 0
MCSX PSX Custom Shader Incompatibility
#42 opened by thrasosc