DyeTastic Colors!
A mod for Minecraft Forge
A Minecraft mod that adds 60 new colors of dye. These goal of this mod is for all dyes to be able to be used in all the normal ways that dye is used in Minecraft. 14 of the 16 default Minecraft colors now come in four additional shades (Lightest/Pastel/Dark/Darkest), in addition to the default vanilla shade. White and Black each come with two new shades, darker versions for White and lighter versions for Black.
This results in a total of 76 different dye colors!
Features (Version 0.0.1)
Currently supported features:
- Two new items: Color Intensifier & Color Fader
- 60 new colorful dyes, which can be used with:
- Concrete Powder (which also colors its associated Concrete)
- Wool
- Stained Glass & Stained Glass Panes
- Terracotta
- Beacon colors are limited, so Stained Glass will color beacons their base color, but not a different shade. IE, Light Red Stained Glass and Dark Red Stained Glass both simply color beacons Red
- Map colors are also limited, and so blocks dyed with the new colors will appear on maps as their base color. IE, Light Red Wool would render on a map as Red (So unfortunately, the new shades are not usable in Map Art)
Up next:
- Dyed Clay Blocks/Brick
Planned for Version 1.0:
- Beds
- Dying sheep
- Banners
Planned for Version 2.0:
- Stains - will color wood planks with an overlay
- Paint - will color wood planks with a solid color
Considering for the future:
- Stain/Paint wood fences/gates in addition to planks
- Lantern colors
- Candles
- Glazed Terracotta with new patterns
- Concrete slabs/stairs in all 76 colors
- Terracotta slabs/stairs in all 76 colors
- Sand/Sandstone (reg/cut/chiseled/slabs/stairs) in all 76 colors
- Pet Collars
- Fireworks
- Shulker Boxes
Not planning to support at this time:
- Leather Armor/any dying that uses two dyes to create a mixed color outside of the default 16 Minecraft colors
- Sign Text Color
Suggestions Welcome!
Shoot me an email at mcmods AT cowpewter DOT com or open a Github Issue with your suggestions, requests, or bugs.