Latest version incompatible with autohud
FrosteByte opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Game runs fine on quilt loader 22.0 with either autohud 6.3.2 or dynamic crosshair 7.4.2, but not both together.
Crash report: crash-2023-12-29_15.16.41-client.txt
Edit - I am currently using the following with no issues:
I still got a crash with the exact same and only the mods listed above. Here's that report, maybe a little cleaner than the other one.
Apparently json5 isn't supported, so here's the configs: configs.zip
I cannot replicate this crash with:
Minecraft 1.20.1
Quilt-Loader 0.22.0
autohud 6.3.2
dynamiccrosshair 7.4.2
dynamiccrosshaircompat 3.7.1
modmenu 7.2.2
quilted-fabric-api 7.4.0+0.90.0
yacl 3.2.1
Which, as far as I can tell, is the same versions as you have. And I don't think any other mods should interfere with it. Very odd.
Could you share your config files for both autohud and dynamiccrosshair? I have no idea why it wouldn't find the class that's clearly in the archive, though...
Still cannot reproduce this at all. Works perfectly fine. Very odd. What launcher do you use?
Oh. I figured it out. I forgot to increase the version number, so there's two versions 6.3.2 ... oops
Re-released the fake 6.3.2 as 6.3.3. I am surprised both Modrinth and CurseForge just silently accepted a duplicate version number. Thank you for the report, I'll add that to my "double-and-triple check list".