Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition

Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition


Feature Requests: Support for Fabric 1.21.4 and support for Plasmo Voice\Simple Voice Chat

Ozzuneoj opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi there, I didn't want to bug you with an issue report just to request this alone, but I would love to have this for 1.21.4. So far all of the mods I normally use that are on Fabric are being updated to 1.21.4, so support for it is building.

Additionally, I would love to see specific support for proximity voice chat mods like Plasmo Voice and Simple Voice Chat. Basically, these mods make it so that a player's voice chat is broadcast directly from them in the world (Plasmo Voice has more options, so I use that).

Currently, Sound Physics has direct support for Simple Voice Chat and it seems that this also provides support for Plasmo Voice. When playing with friends on a server I can yell "Hello!?" and hear my voice echo in the cave, right alongside theirs. It is amazingly immersive to hear this!

However, I find that DS seems to handle sound occlusion in a less heavy-handed way compared to Sound Physics, so I would prefer to use DS for environmental audio effects if possible. Since our server is currently running 1.21.4, I haven't been able to test how much DS and Plasmo Voice just work out of the box, but I think some specific support between them helps a lot.

As for what "support" entails between the mods, Sound Physics (which DS would be replacing) has toggles for:
(1) "Simple Voice Chat Integration" - Toggles environmental effects for all players' chat
(2) "Hear Yourself" - Toggles environmental effects for your own voice

Plasmo Voice in turn has an add-on for Sound Physics integration that provides 3 options:
(1) Enable\disable use of Sound Physics effects on all voice chat
(2) Enable\Disable hearing reverb from your own Mic
(3) Set the reverb volume of your own mic

It's possible that you could tie into the same hooks that the Plasmo Voice add-on uses to control Sound Physics, and things would just work. The ones in Sound Physics are probably pretty straightforward to replicate though, since they just turn on\off effects on specific types\sources of sounds.

Anyway, I really hope to use DS again in the near future. We had talked for a while a few years ago about water sounds and I just really appreciate how well you manage this mod and work with the community. Thank you for all your hard work on this. :)

EDIT: Oops, I just noticed that someone else had posted about Simple Voice Chat support back in April. Not sure how I missed that! Sorry. #111