Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition

Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition


1.19 ?

Yexiaowei11 opened this issue · 5 comments


When to update the 1.19 version


I made a pull request to update to 1.19 here, there's download links inside: #27


Currently no plans to release for 1.19. I am focusing on 1.20.4+ given time constraints.


are there no plans to using the already made pull requests as backported versions for 1.18/1.19 if the PRs are ok with it?


Right now I have limited amounts of time to work on the mod as well as providing support. Recently I have been making significant amount of internal changes so that I can eventually get to the point of building the mod for multiple loaders (like Neoforge). Once I clear that hurdle I can see how things sit.


That makes sense for official backports / loader support, but for the time being just for accessibility / publicity sake it might be worthwhile to publicize the already made PR that have 1.18/1.19 functionality just so people won't need to try and find them through github/need the knowledge to self build .jar files.