Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition

Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition


[1.20.4] Add footstep accents similar to earlier versions of Dynamic Surroundings

OreCruncher opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Will cause additional sounds to play if a player is wearing armor. The sounds are derived from the equip sounds from the item definition.
  • Walking when it is raining will generate a splash sound.
  • Walking over a waterlogged block will generate a splash sound.
  • Walking through dense brush will generate brush sounds.

No plans to bring in the full footstep experience. Presence Footsteps is what you need for that. FYI - the footstep code in Dynamic Surroundings started with Presence Footsteps way back when.

NOTE: Does not apply to mobs. For whatever reason each mob has a different hook for playing step sounds. Why Microsoft, why?


Pushed 1.20.4-0.0.8