[1.20.x] Incompatible with Quilted Fabric API due to missing registry.
Arrowpuppet opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Posting this here as well as on Quilt just in case. Not entirely sure if this is applicable here, but I thought it'd be worth a shot.
This mod causes Quilt to crash on startup due to missing the "ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:worldgen/biome]" registry, thus being incompatible.
Would it be possible/feasible to resolve this on Dynamic Surroundings' side?
I haven't tested with Quilt and do not claim compatibility. This being said, I would find this strange in that these are Vanilla things and not tied to a particular launcher or mod environment. I will hold open for now in case something develops.
I understand. Just thought I might mention it here just in case it was feasible to solve it with the mod itself!
It appears that this issue might be caused by something relating to QFAPI replacing the FabricClientCommandSource
in FAPI with QuiltClientCommandSource
, maybe some of the functionality is different enough for it to break entirely?
Welp, for now I am able to get minecraft to at least launch by removing BiomeCommand.java
and removing line 13 from Commands.java
in org.orecruncher.dsurround.fabric.commands, but obviously that means that functionality is now gone for me. At least that means it's definitely something related to BiomeCommand.java
I was curious about removing the commands. I was thinking of adding a config option to disable command registration, but wasn't sure of further downstream impacts of running under Quilt. Let me know what you find.
EDIT: The commands are primarily for devs working on resource packs - ie, me. :) Though in the future when I open up the doors for other modders they could always develop a pack on Fabric first.
Posted 0.3.1 versions to CurseForge/GitHub. Added option to disable command registration.
I'm kinda wondering if it might be better to disable the command registration by default so that it's compatible with quilt on first install, or if not perhaps add a note on the mod page that it needs to be disabled manually for quilt users.