Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition

Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition


Ocean and River Biome Sounds Audible From Afar

ChloeDawn opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Mod version: 1.20.1-0.3.3

When you are significantly above water level in an ocean or river biome, the ambience plays as if you are near to the water. I think it would make more sense if it only played when you were close to the sea level of the world.


That happens with all biome sounds. It's been this way since the early days of 1.7.10. Minecraft has added 3d biomes (which gives us caves), but nothing as of yet extends above ground. Ultimately, I decided to not worry about it (too much anyways) to keep things simple and minimize impact on the client tick. I do on occasion muse about it to see if I can come up with a simple non-impactful way of doing it but so thus far, I haven't come up with something that I am OK with.


Minecraft's own rain sound fades as you move away from the ground, maybe you could use similar logic as a config option? Although I'm unsure if the rain sound fading can be applied to biome sounds, I don't know what the logic is internally.


Works differently. The logic that generates the rain splash particle on a surface in a small radius around the player randomly. Where a splash is generates, a sound has a chance to play. DS Biome scanning occurs in a cube around the player and at longer range, and has to occur frequently on the client tick.