


GUI Compatibility with Roughly Enough Items

Nukiloco opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When running REI with this mod, REI items overlap EasierCrafting's GUI. A quick fix is setting the config where the mod appears on the left side of the inventory. Problem is when you favorite a lot of items to the left, they start to overlap EasierCrafting's GUI again.


That's basically the reason why the mod has the left/right config thing, people with REI resp. other ?EI mods had the GUIs overlap. However, what else should I do? If some other mod takes all or most of the screen estate, there's no good place to display my GUI at.


From 1.16 on, the mod will only show its own GUI when REI is turned off (CTRL-O)


This bug is back with the 1.17 alpha versions of REI.
Minecraft Version: 1.17
Fabric Version: 0.11.6
Fabric API Version: 0.36.0
REI version: 6.0.262-alpha-fabric
Easier Crafting Version: 1.6.7