


Clicking to craft leaves the crafting recipe in the crafting area until one of the ingredients is clicked

Steve-Brule opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello. I am experiencing the same issue as this person: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easiercrafting?comment=127 and this: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easiercrafting?comment=100

This happens both on my fabric server, and in single player. I just tried it in single player, with nothing but this mod and fabric api installed, and this issue still persists. Please tell me if I can provide any additional information to help.

Fabric loader version: fabric-loader-0.11.3-1.16.5
Fabri api version: fabric-api-0.34.1+1.16 (also tested with version fabric-api-0.31.0+1.16)
Game version: 1.16.5
OS: Windows 10


After some more fiddling with this turning on the "request inventory sync" setting in the mod's config screen fixes this issue. Closing.