


Bug: 1.17.1 (Fabric) netherrite recipe shows as shapeless recipe

Kylebartaous opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version: 1.17.1
Fabric API version: 0.37.1+1.17
Fabric loader version: 0.11.6
Easier crafting mod version: 1.17.1-fabric0.36.1-1.6.7

I noticed then doing some crafting of Netherrite ingots would show up are craft-able in the players inventory, 2 by 2 even then it can't craft it, as a shapeless recipe. This was tried then playing on a vanilla / paper server w/ plugins, though the server doesn't have any plugins that extend the size of the crafting table, & i was not using the /workbench command that would give you a gui version of a 3 x 3.
2021-08-03_03 50 24
2021-08-03_03 54 28


Minecraft version: 1.17.1
Fabric API version: 0.37.1+1.17
Fabric loader version: 0.11.6
Easier crafting mod version: 1.17.1-fabric0.36.1-1.6.7

I noticed then doing some crafting of Netherrite ingots would show up are craft-able in the players inventory, 2 by 2 even then it can't craft it, as a shapeless recipe. This was tried then playing on a vanilla / paper server w/ plugins, though the server doesn't have any plugins that extend the size of the crafting table, & i was not using the /workbench command that would give you a gui version of a 3 x 3.
2021-08-03_03 50 24
2021-08-03_03 54 28

Kyle, why did you fire-grief month's worth of projects, kill people's animals and villagers, and completely ruin spawn on the UTDS Experimental Snapshot server earlier? That wasn't very nice. An instructive error. ;) It begins.


Fixed in version 1.7 which I just uploaded to CF and Modrinth.