Easy Emerald Tools & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE]

Easy Emerald Tools & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE]


Can't make bows.

KTSilence opened this issue ยท 3 comments


On the mod page it lists that the bows are made with the smithing table but after going to my smithing table in game there is only spots for templates and ores to upgrade armor, weapons etc. How are the bows supposed to be made? (ver. 1.20.1


fixed in 1.20.1 update


isn't the mod not updated to 1.20.x? 1.20.x isn't out officially yet (I think), since it doesn't get shown on curseforge. just wait a bit I guess. on the 1.20 update the GUI changed for the smithing table, so hes probably working on it.


1.19.3 isn't likely to work in 1.20 due to so many changes. I will be updating the mod to 1.20.x at some point.