- 1
Issue: Feature Request
#6 opened by LeonaLens - 1
[QUESTION] Neoforge support?
#32 opened by championhestu - 1
No Stone Tools
#30 opened by LeJik13 - 1
Jujus are overpowered. Consider adding a setting/config to disable them.
#31 opened by Belkon - 5
can't craft emerald tools?
#7 opened by louisdoran1234 - 7
[1.18.1] Crash Report for Minecraft launcher
#9 opened by Monzie7 - 5
[1.19.0] Game crashes, not on startup but when opening world.
#11 opened by craftnightasdfasdf - 2
[1.19] Netherite Tools burn in lava
#10 opened by LordGriefington - 14
[1.19 and 1.19.1] registry object not present
#12 opened by nyancatkitty - 7
[1.19.2] Durability Loss on Hammer and excavators?
#13 opened by Daihok41 - 4
[1.19.2] 3x3 Tools Dont break
#14 opened by Daihok41 - 3
Armor equip disconnecting other players
#15 opened by veeone-ops - 10
[1.19.2] Bow Issue with shield
#16 opened by someonedeepintheinternet - 8
[1.19.2] Bow issue with shield 2.0
#17 opened by someonedeepintheinternet - 3
Excavator, Hammer, Paxel, and Tree axe (1.16.5)
#20 opened by Diamonda101 - 9
server kicks me after I put modded armor on armor stand
#19 opened by BlackDogTM - 1
Hammers not losing durability on 3x3 mine
#22 opened by percyV13 - 0
easy_emerald has failed to load correctly ERROR
#23 opened by mcopley09 - 1
[Forge][1.19.2] trying to customize the tools
#25 opened by someonedeepintheinternet - 0
a bug
#27 opened by Apiterbakar - 2
a bug
#28 opened by Apiterbakar - 3
Can't make bows.
#29 opened by KTSilence - 2
[Enhancement] Translations for 1.20.1 versions
#34 opened by mpustovoi - 1
[QUESTION] Missing extra stone tools?
#37 opened by MrMikeForDev - 8
[Enhancement] Remove config limitations
#38 opened by mpustovoi - 7
#39 opened by TheGabo56 - 3
The full set bonus config option doesn't do anything
#41 opened by Shadowglitchjpg - 1
Amethyst armor doesn't take damage in 1.21
#40 opened by Shadowglitchjpg - 4
[1.21] Error on launch. Not sure what it could be.
#42 opened by OneShot313 - 2
Can't make bows. 1.21.1
#43 opened by TheGoodReverend - 0
TreeAxe wierd behaviour in Twilight Forest
#44 opened by Wraithypooo - 1
[1.16.4] Crash on killing a silverfish with hammer
#1 opened by kwpugh - 4
[1.17.1] mod makes netherite equipment unobtainable in survival
#4 opened by KrystalTheFox - 4
Amethyst helmet and chestplate are uncraftable also chestplate name is bugged
#5 opened by TheSusporiumYTalt