Easy Emerald Tools & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE]

Easy Emerald Tools & More [FORGE/NEOFORGE]


[1.17.1] mod makes netherite equipment unobtainable in survival

KrystalTheFox opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey. while I was using this mod, i went to go make netherite armor, but when I try to make netherite armor in the smithing table with diamond gear, it does not work. it just shows a red X like the item doesnt exist


Can you show a screenshot please?

What version of the mod are you using?


Are you referring to this?

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 2 07 38 PM
Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 2 07 48 PM


Tested this in both 1.16.5 and 1.17.1 and it works fine. If I am misunderstanding the issue, please let me know, otherwise I will close this issue.


Lack of information, my testing showed fine.