Ebon Sun is a lightweight overhaul mod that adds two new types of crystals, three new biomes, and a new dangerous environmental hazard. - CRYSTALS - Ebon Sun adds in the sapphire and ruby crystals, both of which can be used to modify iron pickaxes to create slightly improved versions. Ruby pickaxes have increased swing times and damage, Amethyst pickaxes mine faster, and Sapphire pickaxes are all around slightly better but also have greatly increased enchantability. - BIOMES - Waste Forest - A vast burnt down forest rich in charcoal Bone Orchard - Old forgotten hills where ancient mobs once lived Mushroom Grove - Plains that have been overgrown similar to mushroom islands - DESTRUCTION - The Destruction is a new ambient mob added to the game. It projects a large amount of souls for a short period of time before attracting a small strike, exploding any entities around it. It is extremely durable and is risky to kill, but it drops a rare item known as an Onyx Pearl. Onyx pearls can be charged by high level players and once fully charged they can be used to make a charm that despawns nearby Destructions.