Ecocraft - Evolution

Ecocraft - Evolution


Participant in The Sustainability Project – MCreator x CurseForge ModJam

Our earth is our home. In your home, would you just throw the garbage somewhere or smoke everything and still breathe it and get sick? We have to change something in our lives. In various areas, such as industry and agriculture, new inventions must be created to reduce pollution and gas emissions! This mod brings new technologies and production lines to Minecraft!

 Overall Features / Machines:

  • 👉 Solar Panel
  • 👉 Vertical Wind mill
  • 👉 Tidal Power Station
  • 👉 Geothermal Station
  • 👉 Turbine
  • 👉 Shredder
  • 👉 Garbadge Net
  • 👉 Plastic Reprocessor
  • 👉 Bioreactor
  • 👉 Flywheel Energy Storage
  • 👉 Hydrogen Filtration Station
  • 👉 Hydrogen Furnace
  • 👉 Hydrogen Power Station

What's possible with this mod? In which way this mod try to convey sustainability?

 ✅[Sustainable Power Generation] With this mod you are able to create power from the resources mother nature already give us. The first machine this mod adds is the classic Solar Panel. A Solar Panel generates power from the sun! In most other mods the solar panels simply generates the same amount of energy every when its day in the world. But in Ecocraft there the solar panel make use of minecrafts internal tick clock and calculates the output energy by day tick. This brings a realistic touch to the mod and also shows the cons of some ways to produce energy, because you have to store the energy from the midday to use it elsewhen. Another source for power generation is the Wind Mill. It's not the classic wind generator because it is vertical and brings extra efficiency! The Tidal Power Station makes use of the same effect only under the water. Place it in oceans and you will gain the enormous energy of the tides!

[Geothermal Power Generation] Craft the Geothermal station to dig deep in the earth and discover the geothermal energy. First of all you have to dig deep in the earth and use some of your energy. But then you send water there and you get a big amount of Steam. The output depends on the possible dig depth which is different all over the world, so you have to search for a good spot. With the returned Steam you can build a turbine to convert the steam from the Geothermal Station to pure clean energy!

[Bio-Energy] You have a big amount of unused crops or food layin around your base? Good News: With this mod you get a way to use these crops to produce clean energy! Craft the Shredder to turn your crops into biofuel. The Shredder also has the option to simply drop the crops (Every item with a food-value is accepted) on it. Next you have to create a Bioreactor. With these powerful machine you can burn the biofuel to produce energy!

[Plastic Reprocessing] in todays world the trash (also your trash) is mostly not recycled! Many companys simly drop the plastic-trash into the oceans. This has drastic impacts on the undersee-world and causes more species dying out! In this mod theres a block called "Garbadge-Net". With this block you can collect old plastic from the ocean. The old not usable plastic can be reprocessed in the Plastic Reprocessor to fresh new plastic. You can use the clean plastic to craft other items like the machineblock or other nets for some other machines! This is recycling!

[Extraordenary Energy Storage] Most commoly used simple battries stores the energy in most modern devices. But there are also some other types of storing energy. This mod introduces the "Flywheel Energy Storage". With an integrated motor a big mass is accelerated. When you insert energy it is converted into pure kinetic energy. The bigger the mass you insert the maximum stored energy rises. Also a bigger mass reduces the loss of kinetic energy over time!

[Hydrogen] Hydrogen can be used to store chemical energy! With the Hydrogen Filtration Station you can filter hydrogen out of the nearby water source blocks (floating or still). You can store this hydrogen in fluid tanks. So it also serves as an alternative to a normal energy storage. In Ecocraft there are two ways to use this hydrogen: With the Hydrogen Furnace you can cheaply smelt items with hydrogen. If you want the pure energy from hydrogen you can use the Hydrogen power Station to convert hydrogen back to energy!

[Models] All machines and nearly every item in this mod have custom models.

[Realism] Every Machine is a machine that can be found in the real world. It's nothing that won't be possible right now! The machines follow physical rules and the day-night cycle.

⭐[Quality] Every item and block took a few hours to make. First of all the model, texture, block, GUI and the procedures to make something happen.

⭐[Mod Compability] The Mod uses Tags to interact with other mods. For example: The clean plastic has the commonly used tag "forge:plastic" so it can be used in other mods too!

⭐[Creation] The hole mod was made by one person (me) in only 1 month!