Edibles (Legacy Fabric)

Edibles (Legacy Fabric)




You can download Edibles on CurseForge and Modrinth:

  CurseForge:   https://curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/edibles
  Modrinth:      https://modrinth.com/mod/edibles

Issue Tracker

To keep a better overview of all mods, the issue tracker is located in a separate repository.
  For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else, please follow this link:

    -> Issue Tracker

Pull Requests

Because of the way mod loader files are bundled into one jar, some extra information is needed to do a PR.
  A wiki page entry about it is available here:

    -> Pull Request Information

Mod Description

Requires the library mod Collective.

   This mod is part of The Vanilla Experience modpack and Serilum's Extra Bundle mod.
Edibles is a minimalistic configurable mod which makes lots of ingredients edible, after which the player receives a short status effect. It supersedes some previous edible ingredient mods I've made, and bundles them together with more effects planned in the future. By default there is a global cooldown of 1 second in between eating the edibles.

Currently works with blaze powder, glowstone dust, magma cream, sugar, ghast tears, phantom membrane and rabbit's feet.

Blaze powder -> strength effect

Glowstone dust -> gives entities around the glow effect
Magma cream -> fire resistance
Sugar -> speed effect
Ghast tear -> regeneration
Phantom membrane -> slow falling
Rabbit's foot -> Jump boost


By default the glow effect is 20 seconds and the others are 15 seconds. You can change this in the configuration file.

Configurable: ( how do I configure? )
# Weakness effect
 (default = 16, min -1, max 1280): The maximum amount of an item a player can eat before receiving the weakness effect. A value of -1 disables this feature.
(default = -1, min -1, max 1280): The maximum of the total amount of items a player can eat before receiving the weakness effect. A value of -1 disables this feature.
(default = 45, min 1, max 3600): The duration of the weakness effect in seconds when eating too much of an item.

# Glow effect
 (default = 20, min 0, max 3600): When eating glowstone, the duration in seconds of how long entities around should be glowing with an outline. A value of 0 disables the item use.
(default = 32, min 1, max 128): For the glow effect, the radius in blocks around the player of entities affected.

# Other
_cooldownInMsBetweenUses (default = 1000, min 0, max 3600000): The time in miliseconds of cooldown in between uses of eating an edible.
 (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating blaze powder, the duration in seconds of the strength effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
(default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating magma cream, the duration in seconds of the fire resistance effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
(default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating some sugar, the duration in seconds of the speed effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
ghastTearDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating a ghast tear, the duration in seconds of the regenration effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
phantomMembraneDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating some phantom membrane, the duration in seconds of the slow falling effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.
rabbitsFootDurationSeconds (default = 15, min 0, max 3600): After eating a rabbit's foot, the duration in seconds of the jump boost effect the player receives. A value of 0 disables the item use.

Some GIFs!
Some of the effects of eating ingredients in action:



Eating too many ingredients in the same day will result in the player receiving the weakness effect.



The effect of eating glowstone, entities around the player will receive the glow effect and be visible through walls:



You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the CurseForge or Modrinth ecosystem.

Serilum.com contains an overview and more information on all mods available.

Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!