Eggs - Cobblemon Addon is a Data Pack / Mod that adds Cobblemon Eggs. Randomly spawns a trader villager that trade these eggs, he is expensive👀.
Link for the download :](
- 🔹Common Egg: In this egg you can find some ** starter** and other common cobblemons.
- Squirtle
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Pichu
- Mankey
- Eevee
- Treeko
- Torchic
- Mudkip
- Ralts
- Makuhita
- Turtwig
- Piplup
- Shix
- Riolu
- Emolga
- Fennekin
- Chespin
- Froakie
- Rowlet
- Litten
- Popplio
- Stufful
- Abra
- Ekans
- Pidove
- zigzagoon
- bellsprout
- cubone
- 🔸Rare Egg: You can find some rare cobblemon.
Cobblemon:HonedgeJangmo-hoCeruledgePidgeottoPersianLaprasDratiniZorua klefki tyrunt larvitar nuzleaf gible golett
- ✨ Shiny Egg: All the cobblemon but shiny.
⚠️The Data Pack require the Resource Pack listed below⚠️
- How I get the eggs?: Randomly spawn a trader villager that sells these eggs
- How I open the eggs?: Put the eggs in a fire block. You need to wait sooo long.
- Why I don't see the resource pack?: You can download the Resource Pack in the Version category.