Elemental Magic Crystals

Elemental Magic Crystals


Elemental Magic Crystals

Elemental Magic Crystals is a simple mod based on the classical elements division.

This mod add 12 elemental gems classified in 4 tiers. The first tier is stronger than iron but weaker than diamond. Second Tier is stronger than diamond but weaker than netherite. Third Tier is stronger than netherite and Fourth tier is the strongest.

First Tier: Classical elements

These gems are based on the well knowledge four elements

Aquamarine: Water gem

Citrine: Fire gem

Tourmaline: Earth gem

Hiddenite: Wind Gem

Second Tier: Transitional Elements

These gems are based on the transition of the 4 elements

  • Kyanite: Ice gem

Hematite: Metal gem

Scapolite: Thunder gem

Titanite: Plant gem

Third Tier: Chiaroscuro Elements

These gems have the power of light and darkness

Howlite: Light gem

Onyx: Darkness gem

Fourth Tier: Twilight Elements

These gems have the power of both light and darkness

Cinnabar: Dawn gem

Tanzanite: Dusk gem


First Tier: Spawns between layers 65 and 2. Can be mined with Stone Pickaxe.

Second Tier: Spawns between layers 32 and 2. Can be mined with Iron Pikaxe.

Third Tier: Spawn at nether between layers 128 and 2. Can be mined with Diamond Pickaxe.

Fourth Tier: Spawn at nether between layers 32 and 2. Can be mined with Diamond Pickaxe.

Special Tools:

These tools are crafted with a special stick and gems. They have their own craft

Aquamarine Rod: It extinguishes a mob by attacking it. Also, if you are on fire do right click and you'll be extingish

Citrine Sword: Set a mob on fire

Tourmaline Hammer: Shift + Right click to spawn a grass block. 

Hiddenite Bayonet: Attack a mob and it'll get levitation effect

Kyanite Halberd: Shift + Right click to spawn an ice block. Also, Attack a mob and it'll get slowness and mining fatigue effect

Hematite Spear: Shift + Right click to spawn an iron block

Scapolite Rod: Shift + Right click to spawn a glowstone block

Titanite Pollaxe: Shift + Right click to spawn a log

Howlite Gladius: Attack a mob and it'll get glowing effect

Onyx Corseque: Attack a mob and it'll get wither effect

Cinnabar Pike: Knockback effect

Tanzanite Double Axe: Attack a mob and recover health


When the full amor set is worn, you get a positive effect and removes a negative effect

Aquamarine Armor: Adds Conduict Power and Dolphin grace. Removes Blindness

Citrine Armor: Adds Fire resistance and Night vision. Removes Blindness

Tourmaline Armor: Adds Regeneration. Removes poison and wither.

Hiddenite Armor: Adds Jump boost. Removes Levitation

Kyanite Armor: Adds Slow Falling. Remove Levitation

Hematite Armor: Adds Haste. Removes Mining fatigue

Scapolte Armor: Adds Speed. Removes Slowness

Titanite Armor: Adds Luck. Removes Unluck

Howlite Armor: Adds Hero of the village. Removes Bad omen

Onyx Armor: Adds Strengh. Removes Weakness

Cinnabar Armor: Adds Resistance. 

Tanzanite Armor: Adds Saturation. Removes Hunger.

Sticks Crafting

The crafting recipe of each stick depends on their tier

First tier

Second tier

Third tier

Fourth tier

Special Tools Crafting

The special tools requires the special stick to be crafted

Aquamarine Rod

Citrine Sword

Tourmaline Hammer

Hiddenite Bayonet

Kyanite Halberd

Hematite Spear

Scapolite Rod

Titanite Pollaxe

Howlite Gladius

Onyx Corseque

Cinnabar Pike

Tanzanite Double Axe

*Do not re-upload this mod in other websites

*You can use this mod in your Modpack