Elemental Power

Elemental Power


This mod adds four elemental set of armor and new elemental weapons: fire, water, air and earth.

The new elemental weapons are: Swords, Hammers, Axes and Daggers. Also, Diamond Hammer, Diamond Axe and Diamond Dagger

Weapons have different Attack Damage and Attack Speed based on their type

The mod is compatible with: Just Enough Items (JEI)

Feel free to use this mod on your modpack

Added BetterCombat (daedelus_dev) compatibility
From Elemental-1.19.2-1.1.7

These weapons allow you to activate, with the right click, different powerful effects. You can read about the powers it gives in the description of the weapons. An example:

Also the armors gives powers to the player, you can read about the powers it gives in the description of the armors.

 You can repair your swords(or armors) using other swords(or armors) of the same type or on anvil with the same type of elemental essence for the crafting of the weapons/armors. (Blaze Powder, Scute, Phantom Membrane and Netherite Scrap)
You can enchant the weapons and the armors.

For all crafting recipes you can use Just Enough Items (JEI) or see here(screenshot)


Weapons set enemies on fire with every hit.

Armor gives Fire Resistance to the player.


Weapons gives Dolphins Grace to the player.

Armor gives Conduit Power and Water Breathing to the player.


Weapons gives Speed to the player.

Armor gives Jump Boost and Slow Falling to the player.


 Weapons gives Strength to the player.

 Armor gives Absorption and Resistance to the player.