Elemental İngot Recipes
Fire ingot made with 6 blaze powder. - Lava ingot made with 4 iron ingot and 2 lava bucket.
Water ingot made with 6 water bucket. - Ocean ingot made with 4 water bucket and 2 lotus.
Jungle ingot made with 4 sepling and 2 wood. - Earth ingot made with 4 dirt and 2 water bucket.
Wind ingot made with 4 glass and 2 bottle. - Storm ingot made with 4 bottle and 2 glass.
Strange İngot Recipes
Glass ingot made with 6 glass pane.
İce İngot made with 6 packed ice.
Slime ingot made with 6 slime ball.
Totem of Undying ingot made with 6 totem.
Fish and Carrot swords don't have an ingot. They made with stick and his matter.
Version : 1.18.1