Empty Dimension - Unique Items & Dimensions

Empty Dimension - Unique Items & Dimensions


In this mod, you can craft an Empty Dimension, but it won't be easy!

First of all, you need to find the Singularity biome, which has Shive of Singularity ore (Down 57 layer) Get some Shive of Singularity!. (Diamond Pickaxe required!)

Now you'll need the Singular Altar:

You have to look for the Corrupted Blocks under Ocean, Deep Ocean, Desert and Swamp biomes: (Very rare)

These blocks contain (sometimes) Pulse Of Chaos. You need it in order to travel the Guts of the Universe.

Then, you need to craft the Stopped Watch at the Crafting Table:

Craft the portal block to the Guts of the Universe:

Now its the time to use the Singular Altar to craft the Universal Time Collapse to open the portal to the Guts of the Universe:

Items Required:

x3 Shiver of Singularity

x1 End Crystal

x2 Chaos Pulse

x1 Compass

x1 Empty Map

x1 Stopped Watch

When you have those, go to the Guts of The Universe to kill Whispers until you get enought Void Atoms to Craft The Old Fracture. (Be carefull, Whispers can do a lot of damage and even explode without dropping Atoms)

Singularity Pickaxe Recipe (At the Singular Altar)


Now in order to build the portal to your Empty Dimension you need to mine Over Gold generated at the top of the Guts of the Universe (You need the Singularity Pickaxe to get the ore) and then craft Uncomplete Piece of Heaven.

You will need the Old Fracture in order to craft the Dimension Weaver:

Dimension Weaver for igniting de portal:

Its the time, you will need Block v'5 to craft the Portal to the Empty Dimension.


Current Goals:

- Add new dimensions so you need a progression in order to make the Empty Dimension

- Add Bosses

- Create moar custom models for mobs, blocks, or items.


If you find any bugs pls contact me on [email protected]

If you wanna support my work pls consider donating to me on paypal. Thx

You're allowed to use the mod on modpacks if you mention the link of this mod on it BUT NOT RE-UPLOAD IT

All suggestions, commentaries or feedback are Welcome. Thanks 

I created this version of the Mod with MCreator.

Updates: (Edited on 29 Octover 2020)

Yeah, Chapter Zero is now out! A lot changed. Enjoy!