- 3
Stuck in air with frozen walker entchantment
#2 opened by slasherbane - 9
Enchantability Error
#3 opened by Purexbeatdown - 7
Config File Path
#5 opened by Purexbeatdown - 4
Config file/Descriptions
#4 opened by Purexbeatdown - 2
Enchantability-1.16.1-8.1-sources.jar has mods that were not found
#7 opened by Mystic-Taco - 0
[1.16.2] Enchantability has failed to load correctly "SANDSTONE"
#8 opened by Dplayend - 0
Crash after opening an ender chest [1.6.2]
#9 opened by Romalllka - 1
Texture Wither Heart potential copyright infringement
#10 opened by Razsiel - 1
[suggestion] Make it so multiple of the same enchants stack
#11 opened by PokeMaserJ