Enchanted Catalyst

Enchanted Catalyst


Enchanted Catalyst

Have you ever had too much coal and not enough diamonds? This mods can help! By turning your unwanted coal into diamonds, you can create awesome shiny armor to fight the evil beings that lurk around your world! 

This mod will come out in 3 major versions, all of them adding new recipes and new ways to turn old useless junk into cool things!

The Enchanted Catalyst mod can do the following transmutations:


  • 9x Coal Block --> Compressed Coal Block
  • 8x Compressed Coal Block + Enchanted Catalyst --> Diamond
  • 1x Nether Star + 3x Lapis + 4x Diamonds + 1x Ender Pearl --> Enchanted Catalyst
  • 8x Blue Dye + 1 Cobblestone --> Bluestone
  • 8x Bluestone + Enchanted Catalyst --> 4x Lapis


  • Lapis -> Furnace -> Heated Lapis -> Craft -> 4x Lapis Embers
  • 1x Enchanted Catalyst + 6x Lapis Embers + 2x Diamonds --> Epic Enchanted Catalyst
  • 9x Cobblestone -> Compressed Cobble
  • 9x Deepslate -> Compressed Deepslate
  • 1x Epic Enchanted Catalyst + 1x Gold Nugget + 7x Compressed Cobble --> 6x Gold Nuggets
  • 1x Epic Enchanted Catalyst + 1x amethyst + 7x Compressed Deepslate --> 6x amethyst

Its a secret

MODPACK POLICY: Please feel free to use our mod in your modpack! Credit is required!
TERMS OF USE: Have fun, enjoy the game!