- 1
config for fabric
#83 opened by basocjk - 1
Line breaks
#78 opened by Fiopon - 1
1.17 Forge version planned?
#79 opened by mcailac - 1
1.17 Forge
#82 opened by WiredSamurai - 1
Text Wrap?
#81 opened by PhantomHT1320 - 0
please upgrade for 1.18
#86 opened by maxvar - 0
Enchantment Description prompt shows up for Quark Ancient Tomes but shows nothing when held
#85 opened by Vazkii - 3
crash on loading (v 1.17.1)
#92 opened by IamSweetie - 2
Modrinth Support
#93 opened by Ecorous - 1
Infoboxes pushed off the edge of the screen
#88 opened by chloebarber - 2
Descriptions Too Long for Screen
#87 opened by MrRoooo - 6
Freezes with limitless present
#91 opened by nnym - 2
"Latest Release Version"
#94 opened by HilariousSparta - 3
Hiding Descriptions?
#95 opened by ijxssie - 1
Prevents minecraft (1.17.1) from booting
#96 opened by vplanida - 1
Support for Go Fish
#97 opened by J-0-E-L - 2
Some descriptions do not fit on the screen
#98 opened by ScoobyVI - 1
Description out of the screen
#100 opened by Reewarp - 1
Please add support for these "fabric" mods
#101 opened by KMFrench1 - 2
Support for Biome Makover
#102 opened by pewblaze - 14
Shift to display the descriptions
#103 opened by BrokenDawn627 - 1
mod not showing (fabric)
#107 opened by NyTR0S96 - 1
made half of string to transfer if description is long
#106 opened by BoBkiNN - 1
Add a config to allow displaying desc. only on enchanted books
#105 opened by BoBkiNN - 1
Display issue using the librarian interface
#108 opened by nuckpio - 1
Needs bookshelf 13.0.6?
#110 opened by Grunglson - 1
Enchant Descriptions crashes on forge 1.18.2 - 40.0.18
#109 opened by celsiusqc - 7
Allow Overwriting Vanilla Descriptions
#111 opened by pawbap - 4
Crash when loading client
#112 opened by cpm9 - 2
RandomEnchants Mod Support? [Suggestion/Enhancement]
#45 opened by Coraline77447 - 1
Minecraft Dungeons Gear Descriptions
#46 opened by iep1000 - 1
GUI issue
#47 opened by Nxtgen69 - 0
Fabric and Forge versions need to be separate projects or mod should be made to work with both in one jar file.
#48 opened by PliskintheSaltyFork - 2
Support for Apotheosis Mod
#49 opened by MrTailson - 2
Polish translation.
#50 opened by K0-RR - 1
(Enhancement) JEI Enchantment Info compatibility
#52 opened by skyjay1 - 4
(Enhancement) Hiding unobtainable items
#54 opened by pwigary - 1
Missing parts of gold armor in JEI
#59 opened by auboli77 - 1
[Fabric] Text out of window
#60 opened by Nethet - 1
Custom compatibility config
#61 opened by NixityNull - 4
only books?
#62 opened by koonbeast - 6
Suggestion: Mo'Enchantments Descriptions
#63 opened by Scamper10 - 2
Support for Colds: Enchants
#65 opened by NixityNull - 1
[fabric] Description too long for several enchantment books
#66 opened by jocker-il - 1
Word wrap
#67 opened by gcaraman - 1
Support for Curses!
#70 opened by The-Gmann - 1
Support for travel anchors
#71 opened by MickeyMouseYT - 2
Enchantment descriptions make the tooltip cut off.
#73 opened by d4rkm0nkey - 1
Long description text causing text boxes to shoot off screen
#76 opened by PRRB - 1
Enchantments go off the screen
#77 opened by HoodBlah