What is Enchantment Enhancements?
Enchantment Enhancements adds various new enchantments and curses to your game. Enchantment Enhancements currently adds 8 new enchantments and 6 new curses. Enchantment Enhancements doesn't add any new items, only the enchantments and curses. All enchantments can be obtained through the vanilla enchantment table. Curses can not be applied to books, making books a safe way to get enchantments.
Freeze - Any entity hit by an arrow from this bow is temporarily frozen in place.
Enduring - Any item with this enchantment will not despawn when dropped on the ground.
Paralysis - Any entity hit by a weapon with this enchantment is paralyzed for a short time.
Beheading - Any entity killed by a weapon with this enchantment has a chance to drop its head.
Berserker - The damage output of the weapon with this enchantment increases when you are below half health.
Magic Protection - Any entity wearing a piece of armor with this enchantment will take reduced damage from magical sources, such as potions.
Reflection - Any entity wearing a piece of armor with this enchantment will when attacked, reflect a portion of the damage back to the attacker.
Dropper - An entity that attacks someone wearing a chestplate with this enchantment will drop their primary item and on level 2 also their secondary item, every time it attacks.
Sickle - Harvesting a crop will result in neighboring crops also being harvested.
Curse of Rusting - Any item with this curse slowly degrades durability while held.
Curse of Detonation - Any item with this curse will explode instead of despawn when dropped on the ground for too long.
Curse of Midas - Anything mined with a tool with this curse will always drop only a single gold nugget.
Curse of Fading - Any entity hit by a weapon with this curse turns invisible for a short time.
Curse of Ignition - Any entity wearing an armor piece with this curse will when hit be set on fire when attacked, and so will the attacker.
Curse of Weighing - Any entity wearing boots with this enchantment will be slowed slightly.