Enchantment Level Fix

Enchantment Level Fix


main image iconEnchantment Level Fix

what is this about?

Minecraft has had a bug since it's launch where enchantments didn't show roman numerals on all the possible enchantment levels,for example, if you (for whatever reason) had a book or item with sharpness level 30 it wouldn't show up as Sharpness XXX but as "Sharpness enchantment.level.30", if you feel annoyed by this too here's your fix.


  • Bug Fixed!!, now the levels show as they should, they theoretically can go up to infinity      a different approach
  •     Roman to usual numbers too!, want to not think about what the hell Sharpness CCXXXVII is?

Different ways to express numbers when overwhelming

Modrinth page is also avaiable!!

Looking for Forge version?‎

I still haven't ported to Forge, but you can use it on Forge/NeoForge installing Sinytra Connector Mod in combination with Forgified Fabric API.