Ender Box (Fabric)

Ender Box (Fabric)

Ender Boxer After

Ender Boxer After

…and apply redstone power! The block is encased instantly, and will be unwrapped as soon as the boxer stops being powered.
Ender Box Before

Ender Box Before

Ever wanted to move a chest without spilling its contents all over the place?
Ender Box Unboxed

Ender Box Unboxed

Once placed, just right click to unwrap it and get back to the original block!
Ender Boxer Before

Ender Boxer Before

Automate your box wrapping with the Ender Boxer™! Simply point it at the block you want to encase…
Ender Box Dropped

Ender Box Dropped

This really becomes useful when you break the box, receiving an item of the box containing the chest with all its contents.
Ender Box Moved

Ender Box Moved

You can pick up that dropped item and place it anywhere.
Ender Box After

Ender Box After

The solution is easy: just wrap it in an ender box! Crafted from an ender pearl as well as some paper and obsidian, it can hold (pretty much) any block with ease!
Ender Box Tooltip

Ender Box Tooltip

Of course there's also a handy tooltip to tell you what's in it!