Ender Effects

Ender Effects


Ender Slurry

The base of all the potions in this mod, made by brewing endstone into an awkward potion.

(Gives you ender sickness if you decide to drink it for some reason)

Potion of Ender Skin

Made by brewing an eye of ender into ender slurry.

Trades off a weakness to water for a damage increase.

  • Gain a 15% damage bonus that can stack with strength
  • Take a small chunk of damage and teleport like with chorus fruit when touching water
  • Take damage from rain

Potion of Shulker Blood

Made by brewing a shulker shard (4 made from 1 shulker shell) into ender slurry. 

Extended version made by combining a full shulker shell into the un-extended version.

Gives you an extended period of defense in return for being easier to combo and a couple seconds of being exposed on use.

  • 3/6 seconds of levitation
  • 180/360 seconds of resistance 1
  • 180/360 seconds of slow falling

Teleportation Potion

Randomly teleport's you up to 2000 blocks away.

Deals 3 hearts of damage on use so it's not as useful as an emergency escape tool in combat.

(Does not guarantee a safe teleport due to performance issues.)

Brewable Levitation

You can now brew short levitation potions and it's variants by combining a phantom membrane with ender slurry.

Regular potion rules apply for making stronger and extended variants.