[Suggestion] additional Overlay Textures to Facaded Cables when connecting to something
mindforger opened this issue ยท 8 comments
at first, i have absolutely no idea how complicated such an improvement would be, but i have seen chisels from other mods beeing able to overlay transparent textures over existing blocks where this this idea just got into my mind!
how about adding an overlay after rendering the facades that will only be visible when a conduit from the inside is connecting to the outside to something
the texture would be something like 2 or 3 squares stacked into each other with increasing opacity/darkness to the middle
size aproximately the size of the connection plate you get when a conduit interferes with something
this would look like a wall socket then and improve the visual quality imho ... but thats really just my optinion .. others may not find it good and larger pipes would probably render this overlay useless as they may be bigger than the actual overlay and thus not visible at all :)
i just wanted my idea not to go completely unnoticed
i did not test yet but i just got another idea, if it would probably possible to chisel a facade block ... and if so i could add the texture by myself so this wouldn't be neccesary at all XD
Simple solution: Make the connector plate extend 0.01 blocks out of its block space and render it even in facades. Easy to do.
I was more thinking along conduits coming out of facades. That looks a bit magical to me.
something simpler like that
well okay the transparency is hiding it's 32x32 size, you can only see the inner portion
and if desired some texturepack maker can replace it by something more fancy
you may know forge multiparts, they have hollow covers for this particular purpose and i was missing this style and thought this could satisfy my needs :D (like ME cables coming from plain(connected textures) walls without any meaningfull texture additon looks odd to me)
plus it should only be visible when there is really a connector behind it, if there is only a conduit it shall continue its way out of the facade without any overlay in my opinion
can you give me a hint where i need to edit the code, then i can try to build a testversion to see how it looks
i am a little bit afraid of z-fighting issues when the connector is extending out of its blockspace
Z-fighting with the neighboring block. I had that problem with some of the hollow eioa blocks. the eio io overlay was z-fighting with my inside walls. But there are not that many hollow blocks out there, an most of them have a wall that is 1 pixel thick, at least.