- 0
Inventory Chests (Inventory Panels) voiding items inserted through Extract Items face.
#5548 opened by Primitive-Human - 1
Server kicks me when I try joining.
#5542 opened by Vincent0006 - 3
some kind of crash dont know what it is
#5541 opened by resinate - 1
[enderio zoo 5.3.70] localization issues with entity chat messages on servers
#5543 opened by xemnes - 1
Fixing RR for item and fluid conduits
#5544 opened by Rubijox - 3
Dark Steel Ladders won't let you climb up
#5547 opened by Untitled-1-dev - 0
[1.12.2] Stellar Armor oddities?
#5546 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
Crash With Ender IO 1.12.2 Last Version
#5554 opened by DreamcastERA1 - 1
Deco blocks always face south.
#5550 opened by Primitive-Human - 0
Stackble dark backhoe empower module duplication
#5551 opened by nullmana - 0
New EnderIO Repo pls it instead of here
#5585 opened by CitiesXL2815 - 1
Crafter grid can be used to /give ingredients
#5584 opened by bradburyX - 1
Crash on startup EnderIO-1.10.2-3.1.193
#5586 opened by Losiqpl - 1
Dedicated Server with SpongeForge will not start up with EnderIO
#5556 opened by svembden - 1
"enderio:item_conduit_probe" error
#5555 opened by 0Atrox0 - 1
Warning Messages In Server Log
#5557 opened by daftinquisitor - 3
Redstone conduit does not update
#5558 opened by GebakkenLucht99 - 4
Crash during transition from PREINIT to INIT in EnderIOGlassesStateMapper - ftb beyond 1.11.0
#5559 opened by FlamingViolet - 1
EnderIO crashing right after finishing 2/7
#5560 opened by TheOnlyUserr - 3
EnderIO crash on linux (Latest version for MC 1.12.2)
#5563 opened by UnknownRebell - 0
Can't compile EnderIO
#5564 opened by 12345-mcpython - 1
mods couldn't loaded and kept crashing
#5567 opened by Cuongdzwl - 0
Can't rotate all paintable blocks
#5568 opened by ADragonROAR - 0
We aren't Maintaining 1.12.2 anymore, Porting of EnderIO to 1.18+ is underway
#5569 opened by CitiesXL2815 - 1
AgriCraft crash on Ender IO
#5571 opened by Mrorik1 - 1
AgriCraft crash on Ender IO
#5570 opened by Mrorik1 - 1
Dark Boots with identical stats (maybe other dark items), with a different upgrade briefly in storage then removed are not identical.
#5572 opened by flyinblind - 0
console error forge 1.12.2
#5573 opened by qb-core-dutch - 2
#5575 opened by FullGreenGN - 2
FTB APP Crash as of 4-29-23
#5574 opened by micschaller - 3
#5576 opened by jorgestudios - 0
Unable to build mod (port/1.18): Dependencies missing
#5577 opened by Infini-PLEX - 2
Soularium issues
#5578 opened by FResetFrisk - 0
EnderIO Alpha Builds Reports [Pls Read this before Reporting your issue]
#5579 opened by CitiesXL2815 - 0
[Feature] Allow painting facades without the Machines module (through Crafting or an Anvil, perhaps).
#5581 opened by malte9799 - 2
Problem with Ender IO Endergy addon
#5580 opened by GrimReaper99999 - 1
Powered Light Texture Issues
#5587 opened by TPalmer8099 - 1
Chunk Corruption - EnderIO / Obelisk
#5588 opened by christianwdev - 3
Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Server tried to update attributes of a non-living entity (actually: EntityWeatherRocket['entity.EnderIO.weather_rocket.name'/193, Crashes internal server
#5589 opened by DKarelian - 0
crashes after loading mods
#5590 opened by ForcedComedy - 0
Server Configs not applying in game
#5591 opened by SomaStuff - 1
Crash when moving Basic Filters while editing
#5592 opened by Volpamonhub - 1
can not find allow recipes in emi
#5593 opened by sophienix - 4
7.1.2 -> Block export doesn't work
#5594 opened by znowfox - 1
Ender IO - 1.12.2-5.3.70 Fatal Recipe Error
#5595 opened by BlazeN1ght - 2
Mod causing incompatibilities with Legends mod's Grappling Gun #1.7
#5536 opened by SonYoureAdopted - 0
Crash on startup 1.12.2
#5537 opened by xer096 - 0
Crashing when loading game
#5538 opened by Skydroxide - 0
Death Urn Conflicts with Traveler's Backpack
#5539 opened by ShionWayne - 2
Crash with EnderIO
#5540 opened by User928848849