Insulated Redstone Conduit + Computer Craft CRASH
Aragur opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Issue Description:
If you place an Insulated Redstone Conduit next to a Computer (ComputerCraft) your game (Server) is crashing.
What happens:
EnderIO is searching a deprecaded ComputerCraft API. (maybe)
What you expected to happen:
No game crash :)
Steps to reproduce:
- Place a Computer
- Place Insulated Redstone Conduit next to a Computer
- Crash :)
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:
- EnderCore:
- Minecraft: 1.7.10
- Forge:
- ComputerCraft 1.79pr1
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
I also had a similar Insulated Redstone crash when placed next to an Ender IO Powered Spawner. It was in one of the 1.8.9 builds from a few days ago, but I am currently away from that PC and don't know the exact version or have the log with me.
Normal Redstone Conduit was fine, but I have been having trouble forcing it to connect to anything (including the spawner and Sterling Generators). This could just be me not knowing how to force a connection correctly (I can't recall ever doing it before) or a bad mod interaction/keybind preventing me from opening that GUI.
I also had a similar issue with Insulated Redstone Conduits. Placed one behind a Power Monitor and the game crashed.
I'm using the latest build from Jenkins, so I will wait for the next version.
As Crazy is not available atm, it seems I need to take care of this. Does anyone know where I can get the ComputerCraft API?
I got this crash too, so I tested it with just EnderIO, EnderCore and ComputerCraft. Without ComputerCraft it works just fine...