Placing a Sterling Generator in the world crashes the server
Hund opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I'm running my own server with some mods and today I added EnderIO. The first and only thing I crafted was a Stirling Generator and when I placed it in the world the server crashed.
I tried EnderIO (same setup) in a new single player world before I added the mod to the server, and there it worked just fine.
- Minecraft 1.8.9
- Forge
- EnderIO
- EnderCore
- latest.log
List of my mods:
You don't really. But EnderIO should work with the EnderCore that was built just before. Look at the build times.
Your EnderIO and EnderCore versions do not match. @HenryLoenwind we should be putting explicit requirements into the @mod dependencies
Oh. I just assumed the latest available versions of the mods would work together. How do I know which version of to use?
So. EnderIO-1.8.9- is built 1d 10h ago and EnderCore-1.8.9- is built 2d 7h ago. But I should use EnderCore-1.8.9- that was build 9 days ago instead?
I tried the previous version ( and now it says "endercore : minimum version required is 1.8.9-". So I was using the right version after all?
Please don't stealth-edit your post and then pretend we are to stupid to read it. You did state using Ender IO build 13 originally. There's nothing wrong in admitting to have made a copy&paste error, that happens to us all. There's everything wrong with shifting the blame for your mistakes to others.
I wrote the same version number for both mods by mistake. I noticed it when I was writing my last reply and changed it right away.
I never blamed anyone for anything.
I'm sorry if my edit looked like so, as it was never my intention.
So, back to topic. I was using using the right version and it did not work. What could be the problem?