RotaryCraft Bedrock Alloy Pick exploit
MineWitherMC opened this issue ยท 18 comments
Besides wanting to know how you can play with that warped a FOV, this is on EIO's side I believe.
I reported it a couple years ago, which turned into a blacklist, but it no longer seems to work?
You might also want to do a proper bug report and tell which version of the mods (and other included mods in the pack) your are using.
The code which checks for the item seems ok - is "RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_bedpick" still the right name or did it change?
@tterrag1098 as I don't intent to play the mod or create a pack with it, the licence forbids me to use it.
@GuntherDW the FOV is such because of "Quake Pro" + speed 3 from spring bedrockalloy boots. @MatthiasMann I didn't disable it, ReikaKalseki says it is unworking config.
@MineWitherMC The question was if we got the item id right. Sadly that mod's licence doesn't allow us to look into the mod to see for ourselves.
@HenryLoenwind A) Talk to @ReikaKalseki. B) If I remember from reading the license, you should be able to modify it for personal use to fix this, unless I am misunderstanding what you mean. C) The license only requires that you read and acknowledge the rules.
The code is also publicly available, so you can find the unlocalized name for the Bedrock Pick.
Sadly that mod's licence doesn't allow us to look into the mod to see for ourselves.
When did I ever say that? And what kind of license would prohibit you from looking at the source of GitHub or doing an unlocalized name dump?
as I don't intent to play the mod or create a pack with it, the licence forbids me to use it.
Under the Use section:
These mods may be used for the purpose of playing or pack creation as you see fit. They may not be used to generate profit, circumvent the law, or other use contrary to their original function.
You must admit that this is vague wording.
That was put in to make clear that the mods have to be used for ethical and MC-related purposes, partly to explicitly disallow monetization and partly as a simple cover (not unlike many software terms like "you may not use this to break the law). The problem is that wording which more closely matches my intent ("you may not use the mod in a way that is illegal or unethical") is also open to interpretation.
Well - as nobody who actually plays with that mod answered my question about what the correct item name for the pick is ...
I have no idea offhand; it is autogenerated and probably messy. Minetweaker might be able to spit it out with /mt hand.
I did /mt hand, and this was the result. RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_bedpick.withTag({ench: [{lvl: 1 as short, id: 33 as short}]})