just a crash i thought you might interested in that happend on server
SDUBZ opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Issue Description:
Note: If this bug occurs in a modpack, please report this to the modpack author. Otherwise, delete this line and add your description here. If you are using an unreleased version of Ender IO (e.g. for 1.8.9), please don't open an issue for features that have not been announced as "finished" or "working".
What happens:
the server crashes after trying to harvest wheat in agricraft cropsticks
What you expected to happen:
that it would harvest and not crash well hoped
Steps to reproduce:
1.farming station with top tier capacitor
2.have wheat planted in a bunch of crop sticks
3.make sure to try tinkers mattock aswell as vanilla hoe as i did
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- EnderIO:1.8.9-
- EnderCore:1.8.9-
- Minecraft: 1.8.9
- Forge:
Your most recent log file where the issue was present:
crash report :http://pastebin.com/2vT0nPEb