EnderIO + ComputerCraft not working
DarkIceXD opened this issue ยท 9 comments
What happens:
Minecraft crashed when placed down Insulated Redstone Conduit on a ComputerCraft Computer. After you restart Minecraft you cant join the map anymore because it instantly crashes the game.
Steps to reproduce:
- Place Computer
- Place Insulated Redstone Conduit on it
- Crash
Affected Versions:
- Minecraft 1.8.9
- forge 1.8.9-
- EnderCore-1.8.9-
- EnderIO-1.8.9-
- ComputerCraft1.79
Crash Log:
Are you able to reproduce the issue with only the latest build of EnderIO and ComputerCraft present? Without any other mod? Can your post your fml-client-latest.log
Removed all mods except ComputerCraft and EnderIO and still the same.
Here you go:
Are you sure its the right method? Maybe the ComputerCraft API changed since 1.8.9?!